The most suitable package to start out your Internet existence at an advantageous price. Kickstart your smaller portfolio webpage, family photo gallery or private blog site straight away using the 1–click Web Apps Installer. An absolutely free domain name is provided as well. And so is a convenient Control Panel.
Starter Package
We're Different
Shared SSL IPs WHOIS Privacy ModSecurity Domain Backorders Data Compression No Overselling ZFS Storage w/ SSDs - Fast SSD Drives
Starter hosting at
$3.92/mo.Check out our hosting platform with a 30 day free of charge trial. No credit card necessary.
24x7 Support
Don’t hesitate to ask us anything at all. We’re here for you 24x7x365
Waiting for a long time to obtain any reply from the customer service staff is really frustrating, irrespective of how insignificant the problem is. For this reason, here, at SEKE WEBHOST, we offer a sixty–minute response guarantee, and our engineers normally reply in under 20 minutes through the ticketing system incorporated into the Web Site Control Panel. They’re at your disposal 24/7/365.
Free Templates
More than one hundred completely free Joomla™ and WordPress website skins to select from
It is possible to download a brand new Wordpress or Joomla™ template with one mouse click from your Web Site Control Panel. There is no need to visit any third–party websites for outstanding–quality web page themes. We have a huge selection for you readily incorporated into your web hosting account. All you need to do is pick the web design template of your choosing and click on the Download button. All web themes are totally free for you.
Website Installer
Launch your brand new web site with a single click of the mouse
Setting up a new web site could be a hard and pricey procedure. But we, at SEKE WEBHOST, did the hard work on your behalf – you can now install your web site by using a pre–made web page skin with a click. It is very easy – simply pick out the type of your brand new website – personal or business, and select a layout that you like. Our platform will take care of all the rest and will send you your login details so that you can begin working on your website instantly.
Web App Installer
A one–click Web Apps Installer with more than 40 PHP scripts
Within the Web Site Control Panel you’ll find a rapid, single–click Web Application Installer tool, by using which you can install more than forty free–of–cost PHP scripts. It will help you get your blog, forum, online image gallery or electronic store online within seconds. Just choose your desired app, fill in the details and push the Install button. And that’s all! The system will accomplish the installation instead of you within seconds. No program code to write, no scripts deal with.
Website Builder
Save some money on a web designer – publish your own website with a click
Save cash on money–consuming web design services – we provide you with all the tools you need to get the job done on your own. Using our very useful Complimentary Website Generation Instrument, you can build a whole website with a click of the mouse using one of the available ready–made web themes. Then just add your custom content. We offer over one hundred web page themes for both business and personal websites featuring different color combinations.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
A risk–free service. You can get a full refund if you are unhappy
If, for any reason, you aren’t fully satisfied with our shared web hosting service or with our customer service, you’ll be able to make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee. What you need to do is send a refund request through our ticketing system and our sales team members will handle everything. Bear in mind that domain registrations are final and non–refundable.
Web Stats
Elaborate web statistics integrated into your Control Panel
Comprehensive info about who goes to your site and when can be found in the Online Stats Manager section of your Web Site Control Panel. You can view exactly where your current website traffic comes from, precisely what search phrases people use to find your sites, etcetera. You will be able to use AWStats, Webalizer as well as our own custom web analytics interface to view all the information pertaining to your web site displayed in an easy–to–read way.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
At SEKE WEBHOST, we are proud of offering you an actual shared web hosting platform – every service is handled by a different web hosting hosting server, which suggests that all your web sites will invariably load instantly even if the system is under stress. This cloud hosting platform was entirely developed by us with dependability and balance in mind, and is backed up by a ninety–nine point nine percent server uptime guarantee.
- Buy Now
Service guarantees
- Register today. There are no setup service fees and you could make use of our 30 day money–back guarantee if you’re not truly satisfied with our services.
Compare our prices
- Take a glance at the quotas and capabilities offered by every one of our hosting packages. You could start with a cheaper package and move up with simply a click of the mouse as your web site grows.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- You can easily get in contact with us all through business hours over the phone for any pre–sale info.